I went through deliverance, because I was very angry and frustrated in my marriage and all other relationships. I couldn’t control my anger and I was very depressed and I didn’t know why. I was a very angry mom and sometimes abusive. I was out of control.
It’s not that I didn’t try to get help, I did. But nobody knew what to do. I believe that there would be a lot of marriages saved through a ministry like this, and there wouldn’t be so many casualties in the body of Christ.
The first thing Bill had me do was to write letters to everybody that hurt me, past and present. In the letter I confronted them with the truth and then forgave them. The Lord helped me remember everybody I needed to forgive. Before deliverance I was plagued with real bad memories every day. It’s like they haunted me, memories from a real bad childhood of rape and incest, etc. Since deliverance those memories have no effect, or power over me. I don’t even think of those things any more. And the people that hurt me, when I talk to them I don’t feel the pain from what they did. I really forgave them.
When we dealt with the spirit of anger, I got very angry in the session. I punched pillows and almost knocked Bill over in his chair. I got it out and was delivered. I am so Free!!! That’s not just a cliché. My husband noticed my eyes were lighter brown; they were not so dark any more. When Bill saw me next he noticed the same thing. The evidence was in my actions. My relationships with my family changed so much, I didn’t know it could be so good.
Before deliverance I was having real bad dizzy spells, the dizzy spells would make me so sick and sometimes I would have one while driving and almost wreck. In one of the deliverance sessions I had one after the other. I almost threw up it was so bad. I was delivered of something that day and have never had one since.
I was afraid I would go back to my old ways, but I didn’t. It’s a daily process of walking it out. It’s very exciting because I’m functioning as a normal child of God through His strength. I can love my family now, and my God. I can also minister to other people now. The team spoke the truth to me, I received it, and the truth set me free. I think a better name of this ministry is “SO FREE”, because I am, so free.