When I was around the age of seven, I was introduced to masturbation. As a kid who was a “goody-too-shoes” so to speak, I had no idea really what that was. Well, that opened a door in my life for the devil to really mess with my mind. Not only did I struggle with my thought life, but fear also had a major hold in my mind. During the day I would be fine, nothing ever bothered me at all. But as soon as I shut my eyes to sleep, either sexual thoughts, or fear would come into my mind. It was so bad that I couldn’t sleep, and during the night I would feel pressure on my chest and heart and almost couldn’t breathe and a voice would tell me I was going to die. I didn’t’ tell anyone about my struggles because I felt ashamed and dirty and very guilty for my “secret sin”. I kept all my emotions, questions, situations and guilt bottled up inside of me. I was afraid that if anyone found out who I really was inside, they would not like me. When I came to Brownsville Revival School of Ministry, I heard about deliverance. I knew I needed to be set free, and healed. When I went through deliverance I would get uncomfortable and want to leave, but I stayed, and Jesus set me free from fear, control, and perversion! Since my deliverance, I have again been attacked in my thoughts, but I now know who I am in Christ. The devil doesn’t’ want Christians to know who they are in Christ because when we realize the power of Jesus Christ, we realize that same power is in us. His strength is in us. Jesus set me free! SO FREE! And taught me how to fight and say no! Praise the Lord for the freedom he has given me and the peaceful sleep he has blessed me with.