R.A.M. ministry is full of diversity. We minister in seminars, conferences, inner healing teachings, deliverance sessions and has a powerful counseling ministry.
The Restoring of Innocence Seminar:
Abuse is rampant in our society. It takes place in homes, our schools, the work place, and even in our churches. People don’t like to talk about it, yet our nation, and the church is full of hurting and wounded people who need our help. They need understanding, care and counseling. Deliverance and Inner healing are often necessary to bring healing and wholeness to them. This seminar is designed to bring wholeness to those in attendance, and to equip, and empower them to bring healing to others.
‘SO FREE’ Spiritual Warfare Seminar:
Hosea 4:6 says, “my people perish for lack of knowledge”. This seminar brings us the knowledge and understanding we need to recognize the wiles and schemes that the enemy uses to enter into our homes, our families, and our churches. This seminar also brings freedom and healing to those who have been hurt and oppressed enabling them to walk a victorious christian life.
Deliverance Ministry Training:
Our society is steeped in violence, witchcraft and perversion. As a result more and more people with dysfunctional backgrounds are coming into the church. It is no longer church as usual! These folks are bringing with them the baggage from their past. They sit in church week after week, but never walk in total freedom. As a result they soon fall away. Our leaders need to know how to minister healing and deliverance to these people. This seminar is a scriptural sound, biblically based training that will equip the leaders in your church to deal with the hurting, wounded, broken, oppressed and even the depressed. This challenging teaching and training will enable your church to bring in the lost and keep them!